Being one of the most popular brands, Louis Vuitton is also
one of the most counterfeited designer brands in the world. So, as an online
buyer, how does one avoid being fooled by sellers who pass their replicas as
authentic? First, educate yourself. Get as much information as you can about
the brand. Paying $500 or more for a bag isn’t cheap and you want to make sure
you’re getting your money’s worth by buying the real thing.
It’s quite helpful to learn to understand the date codes.
Here are some guidelines:
Louis Vuitton only started using date codes in the early 80’s.
And yes, there are bags that are pre-date code and obviously won’t have date
codes on them. Naturally, these bags are old so beware of bags that look new
and are claimed to be vintage. Also, be aware that these bags should be the
classic ones. I mean it’s common sense that it’s impossible to find a
vintage/pre-date code Neverfull.
By mid 80’s, Louis Vuitton started adding letters to the
codes and they represent the place where an
item was made. E.g. MI 881- this
means that the item was made in France in January 1988. Sometimes the letters
are separated from the numbers, sometimes they use a three-digit-code, oftentimes, four.
In the 90’s they started to use a different format. Still
with two letters and four numbers, the date codes were much more complicated.
The letters still represent the country, the first and third digits represent
the month and the second and last digits represent the year. E.g. MI0060- this
means that the item was made in France in June of 2000. This format was marked
to items that were made from the early 90’s to 2006.
In 2007 they changed the representation once again. The date
codes are still with 2 letters and four numbers, the same format, but this time
the first and third number represent the week and the second and last digit
still represent the year. E.g AR0057- this means the item was made in France on
the 5th week of 2007.
With a little research and common sense, one can never go
wrong in buying an authentic Louis Vuitton bag. Here is a list of the
letters and the countries they represent:
France- A0, A1, A2, AA, AAS (special order), AN, AR, AS, BA,
Italy- BC, BO, CE, FO, MA, RC, RE, SA, TD
Spain- CA, LO, LB, LM. LW
Switzerland- DI, FA
Germany- LP
Beware: Some knockoffs would have invalid date codes. Keep
in mind that these date codes should always be matching and consistent. If the
bag says Made in France, it can’t use the letters BC because the letters BC
represent Made in Italy. No exceptions, the date codes should always be
consistent. Also, beware of codes that usually start with a single M and have 5
numbers. Some high quality replicas use this combination. This format is usually
how the serial number or model number is written, not the date code. Please be
aware that the model number and the date code are 2 completely different things.
To buy authentic designer bags, visit this facebook site:
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